The Truth about Liposculpture

If you have been contemplating liposuction, it is likely that you have come across the term ‘liposculpture’, either while researching the procedure or during a consultation. But what is meant by liposculpture, and how is it different to liposuction? Read on to learn the truth about liposculpture.

What is liposculpture?

Liposculpture is fast becoming a popular term in cosmetic surgery, and you may have seen this procedure being offered in Australia, including clinics in Melbourne.

Endorsed by celebrities, and presented as less invasive and more precise than traditional liposuction, liposculpture is defined as a procedure to ‘sculpt’ the body. Where liposuction is concerned with the removal of large volumes of fat, liposculpture is marketed as the contouring and shaping of the body, with the cosmetic surgeon acting as the artist or sculptor of an aesthetically pleasing figure. Liposuction procedures associated with liposculpture include Vaser Ultrasound and Slim Lipo, utilising primarily ultrasound or laser-assisted liposuction methods.

Comparing liposuction and liposculpture

Liposuction and liposculpture often appear to be completely different cosmetic procedures, resulting in widespread misinformation and confusion for potential patients. In fact, liposuction and liposculpture are the same procedure, and the terms can be used synonymously. The ‘sculpted’ and precise results associated with liposculpture can be achieved with liposuction, and the methods for each procedure are the same.

Although liposculpture is presented as a single procedure like liposuction, a ‘liposculptured’ body is usually the result of a combination of cosmetic procedures, such as a tummy tuck, breast reduction, or breast lift.These multiple procedures may raise the treatment cost of liposculpture above the standard cost of liposuction.

Liposculpture is also considered to be a technological development, the future of liposuction when in actuality a liposculpture procedure uses the same technology as liposuction procedures.

Furthermore, cosmetic surgeries should always be performed by professionals who are focused on providing excellent service and care, as well as on aesthetic results.

Alternatives to liposuction

If you are attracted to the idea of liposculpture because of its marketing as less invasive and more convenient than other liposuction procedures, there are non-surgical alternatives.

For example, Dr Attalla recommends CoolSculpt, a cutting-edge procedure which produces results similar to liposuction in the right candidate.

CoolSculpt requires no surgery, no recovery period, involves no needles and no anaesthesia, which is the primary cause of post-surgery complications.

CoolSculpt can be used to treat stubborn areas of fat that cannot be removed through diet and exercise, in which a controlled cooling device is placed on the treatment area to freeze the fat cells. The skin remains unaffected, and your body will naturally flush out the crystallised fat cells over the next few months after your CoolSculpt treatment, leaving you with permanent fat reduction.

Although CoolSculpt cannot replace a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle, it is suitable for patients who wish to remove stubborn fat deposits in areas such as their arms, thighs and lower abdomen.

If you would like more information on the CoolSculpt fat-freezing procedure, or on the liposuction methods specialised in by Dr Attalla, please contact our friendly staff at Chelsea Cosmetics here.

Dr. Mark Attalla

Meet The Author - Dr. Mark Attalla

Dr. Mark Attalla is a dedicated Cosmetic Surgeon with years of experience in cosmetic surgery. He is continuing interest in cutting edge technologies. Dr Attalla presents regularly in national and international conferences and attends workshops to update his surgical skills and techniques. He is the founder and director of Chelsea Cosmetic Surgery and is dedicated to provide the best natural cosmetic results to his clients.

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