Sparkling and lively eyes are really charming. Your eyes are definitely the windows to your soul. So everyone wishes to have beautiful bright eyes. You could now restore the lost youthfulness of your eyes with some rejuvenating treatments. Facials and makeup could give you a glow but that would last only for a while. However, Read more »

Youth is the most prized and cherished commodity and nobody wishes to bid goodbye to youth. Nobody likes to lose the youthful look. People are spending billions of dollars on over-the-counter products, fillers and prescription creams and most dramatically on cosmetic surgery every year to retain or regain youthfulness. Many of these are said to Read more »

Dermal fillers are considered to be a great leap forward in the world of cosmetic procedures. It has completely radicalized the cosmetic dermatology field. Dermal fillers are FDA approved and are widely used in wrinkle management. Dermal fillers also are effectively used for alleviating numerous other aesthetic or non-aesthetic issues. It is critical for the Read more »

Benefits of Dermal Fillers

Benefits of Dermal Fillers

Jan 14, 2016
Dr. Mark Attalla

As we are growing older, our faces seem to be losing subcutaneous fat. The facial muscles tend to work closer to our skin surface, as a result of which crow’s feet and smile lines become more prominent. Dermal fillers are effective in diminishing facial lines and restoring fullness and volume in the face. Dermal fillers Read more »

What Is An Eyebrows Lift? An eyebrows lift, also known as a forehead lift, positions eyebrows in a more alert and youthful manner on the face. In doing so, an eyebrow lift also raises hooded eyelids, reduces forehead wrinkles and improves frown lines between the eyebrows. A classic brow lift involves an ear-level cut continuing Read more »

Anti Wrinkles Treatment

Anti Wrinkles Treatment

Oct 28, 2015
Dr. Mark Attalla

Are you seeking the Fountain of Youth? Did you know that it is in Melbourne? Our clinic offers many types of anti-wrinkles treatment procedures that will keep your skin looking youthful and wrinkle-free. You feel young. You act young. You think young. Now you can look just as young as you feel. Here are the Read more »